Sunday, September 15, 2024

Aleesha here!!!

 This is what I wrote during Parz's live on YouTube today. The topic was patterns... 

Bending deep and low

Reaching as balance shifts…

Dripping pigment

Splatters falling

Random blotches…

Meditatively creating…

Patterns emerge within my hand painted floor.

Saturday, September 14, 2024

Haikus that are Bananas

 Today is freeXpressions we had this prompt:

Which inspired these haikus:

ripening fruit

upright green candles

brown withered wicks

a monkey

might go bananas for

something to eat

how is it

all those shades of green

don’t clash

amongst the fruit

sitting at the bottom

is there a runt?

banana buffet

a profusion of choices

with the same great taste


wait impatiently chanting

dole them out

a herd of green slugs

effective camouflage? 

birds still eat them

someone in there

gave a tell-all interview

secrets unveiled

in the background

blurry avocado?

guacamole feast

a fruit’s happy day

does not involve being

eaten in one gulp

seedless is needless



stem and leaves feel

slighted. why is fruit

the star of the show

everyone look here

if you see the camera

Iit can see you

raised in close quarters

it’s why they’re sold in bunches

avoids loneliness

why point up?

isn’t down a good option?

has anyone checked?

are they blemishes

speckled brown on skin

or are they freckles?

Saturday, September 7, 2024

Haikus from a photo of Vietnam

 This week's Open Mic prompt was Life and this pic:

Which prompted these haikus:

forested city

shaded Vietnam beauty

verdantly urban

possessions carried

house in a gray bag

and walking wardrobe

curbside dining

colorful plastic seating

iced coffee and more

quiet neighborhood

neatly spaced parked vehicles

and the monkeys sleep

permit granted

tree may grow within this curb

and pay property tax

CO2 from cars

feeds canopy chlorophyll

see? it all works

concrete tiling

made from ground up shells

surf on turf

graffitied boxes

in all urban centres


utility poles

with no crooks or bends

painted to fit in

while he walks alone

and passes red and yellow

what does he think?

a license plate

or someone’s Line ID

or both

communism red

and red for stop and danger

mixed messages

if sports greats sponsor

sports shoes, who’ll sponsor

homeless walking shoes

there’s so much shade

sunny days create bumper crops

net exporter

no power lines here

arborist wizardry

the juice is in the roots

repeating pattern

every nth step there must be

a tripping hazard

in this season, green

in the next, also green

never gets boring

Friday, September 6, 2024

Wonky Portraits and art...

 It's been a bit since I shared what I've been working on. Here's some images for you...

I've *surprisingly for me* done all this in the past couple of weeks. My ability to navigate the stairs in our home has diminished so while I wait for a chair lift to be installed... I've been doing a LOT of art!

Very different from my usual style. What do you think? 

Saturday, August 31, 2024

Haikus from a photo with a lot of Depth.

 Today's dX Live Open Mic had this as the image prompt and the word prompt Depth:

natural sculpture

wind and water Gaia’s tools

Aided by Chronos

Parallel lines

Individual layers

Oceanic floor

It’s complicated

Intricate 3D printing

But I can make that

It withstands the sun

Oozing into weird shapes

Wondrous epoxy

See the rocks sliding?

Stymied geologic fun

Waiting for more rain

How far up is that?

Measure one layer’s height

Times a bazillion 

Erratic shadow

Movement across roiling arched

Compressed sediment

Office towers with

No windows fit the landscape

Do you see them?

I parachuted

Through the craggy gap

How do I get out?

Humans see faces

In unlikely places

Like that guy there

The wind catches sand

Which erodes more sandstone

Sandy frenemy


This layer sponsored by

A moneyed interest

Bacon-y looking

Ribbons of smoked pork meat

Maybe I’m hungry

Impressive rocks sure

but the cell service

Is terrible

Everything’s safe

So long as it doesn’t rain

Was that thunder?

Will Nature ever

Create a hole deep enough

To reach China?

How’d I get here? By

not asking for directions

After a wrong turn

Aleesha here!!!

 This is what I wrote during Parz's live on YouTube today. The topic was patterns...  Bending deep and low Reaching as balance shifts… D...