Saturday, July 27, 2024

Haikus and Microfiction from dX Live Open Mic

 It was a busy day of writing at today's Open Mic!


Slowly roasting seeds

Not caffeinated legumes

Fresh aroma

Ghostly steams swirling

Or ectoplasmic faces

Can smell but can’t touch

Cast iron basin

Oils harken to prior roasts

Release even heat

Roastery hidden

Nondescript location

But noses know

The fate of nations

may depend on this one roast

no pressure


After writing these Haikus, I still wanted to write some more but wasn't sure what to write. Seed Word Germination to the rescue!

Work, twerk, dance, lance, glance, look, like, close, closed, finished, complete, end, endless, less, minus, missus, matron, nurse, cure

I used Finished, Matron, Glance:

The shift nearly over, the day’s duties almost complete, tasks approaching finished. Space now for plans, dreams, aspirations. Hope o’clock. Time soon to wrap up and head home, to…

“Oh good - you haven’t left yet. We need you to stay.”

I dare not look directly at Matron Madeline. “But I’ve already covered three shifts. I need to go home.”

"You can grab a quick shower in the staff room and a bite in the cafeteria. Here’s a voucher for a small salad. And nap when you can but keep your pager with you. But we need you to stay.”

Water starts to leak from my eyes as the shift is nearly starting, the day’s duties undone, tasks soon to begin. Plans, dreams, aspirations set aside, put back in mental Tupperware inside the mental refrigerator.


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Recap of Parz's Livestream, 23 Feb 2025 (Seed Word Germination, The Power of Storytelling)

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