Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Mosquito Repelling Incense - a Haiku study

 Inspiration can come from anywhere - including enjoying not being bitten by mosquitoes!

Incense - my muse


Noxious tendrils waft
Whining vampires finally flee
Peaceful coffee time

Together like straw
Separately like fence posts
Alive as glowing coals

Ashen tops orange
Black descends a tan rope
Only a stick remains

Old hands teach new
mix, grind, age, dry, dip, roll, mold
Ancient knowledge burns

Stunted forest
Hallmarks of bygone picnics
Will be tossed aside

~ Parz

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Aleesha here!!!

 This is what I wrote during Parz's live on YouTube today. The topic was patterns...  Bending deep and low Reaching as balance shifts… D...