For anyone who wants to dive right into the Livestream, here's a link to the video!
And if you need some convincing to watch, here's what happened!
- Reframe how we usually view representations of a year.
- The outgoing year can then write a final memo talking about Things To Be Proud Of and another list of Things To Be Less Proud Of
- Realize that the You that made decision(s) that you later regret made the best decision You could make at the time
- And we can discharge emotions from events that occurred in the past in a loving, honouring way
It wasn’t what I was expecting. I mean, here I am, titular leader for calendar year 2024, with just a few days remaining until the new guy, 2025, takes over, so I thought I’d go check out where I’ll be residing in retirement. I had visions of comfy loungers, spa treatments, martini lunches… the things you’d expect an outgoing chief executive to be entitled to.
What I found was some prior executives crammed into a small meeting room, all fighting for space around a small conference call phone, all speaking at once, and all saying different and mostly conflicting things. I’d always wondered where the advice, the memories, the history lessons, sometimes welcome, came from.
This is where I’m going to be relegated?
It’s not like I was looking for some sort of executive Valhalla fasting hall. Ok… maybe something like an all-inclusive resort. But this? Oh boy, no.
At the very least, does the coffee machine work?
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